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Rial ARC01 Belgium 1988 De Cesaris Alternative version SPK3960 USA & SPK4314 Japan Someone at Spark obviously likes the Rial as this is the third version that we’ve seen from the 1988 season which is rather flattering given most of its performances. The previous versions have had the engine semi-exposed but this time it is fully enclosed giving a very clean look to the model. It’s a pretty car and has been well reproduced again here.
The range which changed the 1:43 model market and for which we coined the term 'resincast'. Resin rather than traditional diecast bodies mean that relatively short production runs can be made and what might be marginal subjects become viable. Quality is very consistent with plenty of fine etch used where necessary. A huge range is the result, covering all aspects of (mostly postwar) motorsport and a wide variety of road cars. We typically see around 30 new subjects released per month and pre-orders are strongly recommended. Made in China & Madagascar.