
Porsche 934 Le Mans 1978 #69 VSD

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Porsche 934 Le Mans 1978 #69 VSD by Renaissance

Renaissance have released many versions of their 934 and here we see the parts depicting the red and white VSD backed machine which retired during the eighth hour at Le Mans in 1978. In a similar style to Arena and their many Porsches, the bumpers and engine cover are cast separately from the main shell to allow a lot more versatility for the mould. In this case it will also simplify painting as the bumpers are not to be painted body colour and this will help avoid masking. The rest of the white panels on the car are supplied as decals. A spare driver's door is also included giving the option of building the model with this open if you so wish.

Description: Porsche 934 Le Mans 1978 #69 VSD
Catalogue#: RENI045G
Product Type: Resin/Metal Kit
Scale: 1:43
Event: Le Mans
Colour: -
Drivers: Braillard, Ravenel, Ravenel, Dagoreau
Sponsors: #69, VSD, BP, Jean-Louis Ravenel
Dates: 1978
Race/Position: -
Release Date: May 2010
Weight: 250 grams
Comments: -

About Renaissance

Excellent kits and conversion sets (for plastic) using resin bodies, white metal parts, lots of very fine photo-etching and good decals. Some castings need cleaning. Excellent instructions. Classic subjects (REN43 refs) are relatively simple builds, while the Integral series (RENI) of more modern subjects are a little more complex. Made in France

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