
Cisitalia 202 Cassone M Miglia 1950 #627

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Cisitalia 202 Cassone M Miglia 1950 #627 by Bee Bop

Like so many entries on the Mille Miglia, this Cisitalia failed to reach the finish line, retiring on the first leg. The model is nicely finished though with good paint and carefully applied small details. The packaging includes a photo of the original car and comparing the model to this all appears to be good. A simple but effective model of an attractive subject.

Description: Cisitalia 202 Cassone M Miglia 1950 #627
Catalogue#: BEE066
Product Type: Hand Built
Scale: 1:43
Event: Mille Miglia
Colour: -
Drivers: -
Sponsors: #627
Dates: 1950
Race/Position: -
Release Date: September 2012
Weight: 400 grams
Comments: -

About Bee Bop

Relatively simple and generally well finished hand built models, usually based on previously released Barnini and Tron kits. Completed models presented in individual cases, usually with a numbered certificate. Made in Italy.

A dedicated team, we provide the personal touch!