
Porsche 911 RSR 14th Le Mans 1978 #97 Rivet Supply

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Porsche 911 RSR 14th Le Mans 1978 #97 Rivet Supply by Renaissance

This yellow and black Charles Ivey prepared car was driven by a very capable line up in the forms of Larry Perkins, Gordon Spice and Jim Rulon Miller. The 1978 Le Mans annual describes the car as an old one but it kept going and took second in class and fourteenth overall. The kit parts are fairly familiar to us now and we see the well proportioned body moulded with separate bumpers and rear deck lid which will simplify painting no end. The option is included to open the doors should you wish and there’s the usual high level of etch for the smallest details.

Description: Porsche 911 RSR 14th Le Mans 1978 #97 Rivet Supply
Catalogue#: RENI098B
Product Type: Resin/Metal Kit
Scale: 1:43
Event: Le Mans
Colour: -
Drivers: Perkins, Spice, Rulon-Miller
Sponsors: #97, Charles Ivey Engineering, Rivet Supply, Gordon Spice
Dates: 1978
Race/Position: 14th
Release Date: January 2010
Weight: 250 grams
Comments: -

About Renaissance

Excellent kits and conversion sets (for plastic) using resin bodies, white metal parts, lots of very fine photo-etching and good decals. Some castings need cleaning. Excellent instructions. Classic subjects (REN43 refs) are relatively simple builds, while the Integral series (RENI) of more modern subjects are a little more complex. Made in France

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