
Gordini T16 Pau 1957 #12 Guelfi

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Gordini T16 Pau 1957 #12 Guelfi by Jade Miniatures

Kit available JAD43160
Gordini was struggling financially in 1957 and the Pau Grand Prix was to be the penultimate outing for these race cars and the last that they would finish, Guelfi bringing his example home in seventh place. The team was still experimenting to the last though and for the race the car appeared with an unusual triple exhaust arrangement along the side. When looking at this subject in kit form we queried the colour of the exhaust heatshield on the cockpit side and still think that this should be bare aluminium, although that is from interpreting black and white images. Here it is neatly painted body colour matching the overall finish of the model which is to a decent standard.

Description: Gordini T16 Pau 1957 #12 Guelfi
Catalogue#: JAD43160M
Product Type: Hand Built
Scale: 1:43
Event: Formula 1 or single seater
Colour: -
Drivers: Guelfi
Sponsors: #12
Dates: 1957
Race/Position: 7th
Release Date: November 2016
Weight: 325 grams
Comments: Pau Grand Prix.

About Jade Miniatures

A well established range of well thought out kits and hand built models of competition cars, mostly from the golden era of the 1950s and 60s. The kits are generally pretty simple with well cast resin bodies, small numbers of resin and white metal ancillaries and a modest amount of etch. In the case of open wheeled subjects, the etch usually includes most or all of the suspension. Hand builts generally well finished. Made in France.

A dedicated team, we provide the personal touch!