
The Ferrari Book, Passion for Design

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The Ferrari Book, Passion for Design by Book

Weight 4.8kg
This huge volume is a very impressive looking publication and concentrates very much on the beauty of many of Ferraris offerings. It is far from a comprehensive history of the marque and it was never intended to be so, instead it is a work of art in itself. The suede effect cover wraps over 400 large format pages, these packed with stunning studio images of carefully selected machines to show the evolution of the marque from the 1948 166 Spider Corsa to the modern day F12TDF. Each subject is introduced with a page of specifications and brief history, the text provided in English, German, French and Italian, but it is the photographs which really do the talking.

Description: The Ferrari Book, Passion for Design
Catalogue#: ISB9783961710201
Product Type: Books
Scale: -
Event: Road, GT & Sports Car Racing
Colour: -
Drivers: -
Sponsors: -
Dates: -
Race/Position: -
Release Date: December 2017
Weight: 4800 grams
Comments: 416 pages

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