
Le Mans 24 Hours: The Official History 1923-1929

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Le Mans 24 Hours: The Official History 1923-1929 by Book

Le Mans 24 Hours 1923 - 1929. Official history
Weight 2kg by Quentin Spurring
Alternative version ISB9781844255375 1949-59 ISB9781844255840 1960-69 ISB9781844255395 1970-79 IS9780857331281 1980-89 & ISB9780992820916 1990-99
This is the sixth in a proposed eight volume series charting the history of one of the world’s most famous races and it takes us to the very beginning. The text is well-written and informative and tells us a fair amount about the early French motor industry as well as the races as the manufacturers used the endurance event to showcase their wares. It is the photos that impress most though, with 360 period images, many previously unpublished, reproduced in good size and high quality.

Description: Le Mans 24 Hours: The Official History 1923-1929
Catalogue#: ISB9781910505083
Product Type: Books
Scale: -
Event: Le Mans
Colour: -
Drivers: -
Sponsors: -
Dates: 1923 to 1929
Race/Position: -
Release Date: October 2015
Weight: 2000 grams
Comments: 6th volume in planned 8 book series licensed by ACO with vivid photographs, a detaited race account, results etc

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