
Le Mans Model Collection 1949-2009 (Three-book set)

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Le Mans Model Collection 1949-2009 (Three-book set) by Book

The Le Mans Model Collection 1949-2009
Weight 11kg
Visitors to our previous premises in St Albans (was it really ten years ago that we moved to Banbury!?) may remember the rotating display of Le Mans models from Ron Peggs’ huge collection. Ron is sadly no longer with us but before his untimely passing he successfully achieved his target of having every car reproduced in 1:43 that raced at Le Mans from its inception in 1923 until he was forced to stop in 2009. The models survive, albeit with the pre and post-war subjects in different collections, and the new custodian of the post-war collection has commissioned this very impressive slip-cased three volume set of books showing the models in all of their glory. Each model is photographed in three views and captions tell us the details of the car, drivers and race position, but slightly frustratingly not the makers of the models.

Description: Le Mans Model Collection 1949-2009 (Three-book set)
Catalogue#: ISB9781907085573
Product Type: Books
Scale: -
Event: Le Mans
Colour: -
Drivers: -
Sponsors: -
Dates: 1949 to 2009
Race/Position: -
Release Date: January 2017
Weight: 11000 grams
Comments: Three book set. 974 pages, 9000+ pics.

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