
Ferrari 156 F2 5th Monza 1960 #22 Von Trips

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Ferrari 156 F2 5th Monza 1960 #22 Von Trips by Bee Bop

Also available TRO165P - kit The 1960 Italian Grand Prix took place on the combined circuit at Monza and fears about tyre degradation on the high speed banked sections saw a number of regular F1 entrants stay away. To bolster the grid the race was therefore opened up to include F2 machinery. In part helped by slip-streaming the bigger F1 Ferraris, Wolfgang von Tripps brought his F2 Ferrari home fifth overall and first of the smaller machines. The decal placement looks right when compared with race photos and as we've commented before on these models, the rather bulbous shape of the car is well realised.

Description: Ferrari 156 F2 5th Monza 1960 #22 Von Trips
Catalogue#: BEE088
Product Type: Hand Built
Scale: 1:43
Event: Formula 1 or single seater
Colour: -
Drivers: Von Trips
Sponsors: #22
Dates: 1960
Race/Position: 5th
Release Date: July 2020
Weight: 400 grams
Comments: Monza. Formula 2

About Bee Bop

Relatively simple and generally well finished hand built models, usually based on previously released Barnini and Tron kits. Completed models presented in individual cases, usually with a numbered certificate. Made in Italy.

A dedicated team, we provide the personal touch!