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Alternative version ARE782M75 Airikkala 1975 & ARE782 kitArena has a new model builder and these are the first examples that we’ve seen. Overall things are pretty good with nice clean assembly and carefully placed decals. On the white McRae car from 1977 there is slight colour bleed through the door number panel showing the stripes beneath but that is down to thin decals rather than poor building. Silver finishes often tax even the best of builders and there are a couple of blemishes in the paint on the 1976 car.
Accurate, well detailed resin kits with white metal ancillaries and excellent photo-etched details. Instructions sometimes slightly vague but normally adequate. Castings on some subjects can be a little rough but more recent releases have all been excellent. Due to the amount of etch, they can be quite fiddly to build but in experienced hands make excellent miniatures. Hand built models also available to order. Made in Italy.